Research Projects on Personalised Medicine
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The Basel Personalised Medicine Initiative is funding joint projects in the broad area of personalised medicine between members of D-BSSE and the University of Basel, ideally also integrating expertise of other life science research institutions such as the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), the Basel University Hospital and the Friedrich Miescher Institute (FMI).
A total of 4 million Swiss francs over the years 2016-2020 is available through the generous support of the two Basel Cantons via the “Impulsinvestition für die Ausweitung der Kooperation zwischen dem Departement für Biosysteme der ETH Zürich (D-BSSE) und der Universität Basel“. The guiding vision is to combine expertise in the area of personalised medicine and optimise collaboration in the network of biomedical disciplines (ranging from bench to bedside) in order to enhance the existing potential in the interest of the Basel region as a research location and knowledge hub.
Fourth Call 2019
Timm Schroeder (D-BSSE, ETH Zürich) and Radek Skoda (DBM, University of Basel)
Project Title: Patient specific signaling dynamics in myeloproliferative neoplasms as predictive biomarkers for outcome responsiveness to treatment
Petra Dittrich (D-BSSE, ETH Zürich) and Maria Fillipova (University Hospital Basel, University of Basel)
Project Title: Vessel-on-a-chip for modeling metastasis towards personalized medicine
Third Call 2018
Manuel Schröter (D-BSSE, ETH Zürich) and Verdon Taylor (Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel)
Project Title: A personalized medicine approach to study dopamine neuron degeneration in Parkinson’s disease
Jack Kuipers (D-BSSE, ETH Zürich) and Claudia Lengerke (University Hospital Basel, University of Basel)
Project Title: Translating network modeling to leukemia
Second Call 2017
Karsten Borgwardt (D-BSSE, ETH Zurich) and Adrian Egli (Department of Neurology and Department of Biomedicine, University Hospital Basel)
Project Title: Rapid Diagnosis of Virulence and Antibiotic Resistance Through MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry And Machine Learning
Andreas Hierlemann (D-BSSE, ETH Zurich) and Gennaro De Libero (Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel)
Project Title: A Personalised-medicine Approach to Inflammatory Bowel Disease Immunity Using 3D Microtissues in a Microphysiological System
Hans-Michael Kaltenbach (D-BSSE, ETH Zurich) and Marc Pfister (Pediatric Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics, University Children's Hospital Basel)
Project Title: Accounting for Physical Activity to Personalise Insulin Treatment in Children with Type-1 Diabetes Mellitus
First Call 2016
Niko Beerenwinkel (D-BSSE, ETH Zurich) and Nicola Aceto (Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel)
Project Title: Dissecting the Heterogeneity of Human Circulating Tumor Cell Clusters Through Single-cell Parallel Exome and Transcriptome Sequencing
Martin Fussenegger (D-BSSE, ETH Zurich) and Ivan Martin (Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel)
Project Title: Personalised Medicine for Patients with Diabetes: A Synthetic Biology Framework for Engineering 3D-islet Microtissues from Patients-own Somatic Cells
Sai Reddy (D-BSSE, ETH Zurich) and Alfred Zippelius (Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel)
Project Title: Personalised Cancer Neo-antigen Discovery by High-throughput Screening of Genetically-encoded Epitope Libraries